Tricks or Treats? What's your preference? Well, E has a bit of both in her, and she certainly showcased it this Halloween. She's had a really rough couple of weeks at school, and was in danger of losing her trick or treating privileges, she had already done trunk or treat, so the child was not being deprived of her yearly "stuff you face with as much candy as you can" time. Seriously, I think there is enough candy in our house to feed a third world country, not that that's what you'd want to feed them, but oh, you know what I mean. Anyway, because her dad and I are weak, weak, weak, (not to mention that I made that damn costume!) she was allowed to head out, and I must say, she was so very good. Only rang the doorbell once, said thank you without being reminded, told everyone to have a Happy Halloween. Gotta' admit, I was a proud Mom!
Now, if we could only get her to sit still and quit talking in school!