My annual attempt at keeping myself organized. I am a paper girl, I love the smell of newly printed paper, the feel of it in my hands, thumbing through a brand new planner, it just doesn't get any better.
Try as I might, I just can't go digital with my planner. I'm not a techno girl. I don't function as well. That's not to say that my functioning with a paper planner is without fault. I struggle, more so at my current job than any other before. There's very little structure, way more e-mail than any one human being should ever receive, and constant interruptions are a way of life. But I try, I make lists, cross things off, go to meetings and make notes, and keep a phone log, but usually somewhere around June it all goes to hell, and I throw my hands up and give in to the chaos.
I've got my sights set on making it through July this year!