Something just for fun, and to remind myself of good times!!
Christmas Meme
1. Egg nog or hot chocolate? hot chocolate, and as E would say "With Lots of Sprinkles!"
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? both! One big thing is unwrapped, and everything else get wrapped
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? white on the outside, colored on the trees inside
4. Do you hang mistletoe? yep
5. When do you put your decorations up? Pete always wants to do it the day after Thanksgiving, but usually it's the first weekend in December
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? crab bisque
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child: the anticipation of Christmas Eve and the sheer joy of Christmas Morning
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? what truth?
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? sometimes we did as a kid, it was always new, (and matching) pjs, now Mrs. Claus leaves new jammies for E under her pillow Christmas Eve
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? with a mix of ornaments, spanning my entire lifetime, not to mention any ornament I ever made, my Mom saved it all!
11. Snow! Love it or dread it? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! Wish we had some
12. Can you ice skate? Um, well, I can stand without falling, and can move around the rink, but I'm not sure I'd really call it skating.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? yes, and no, so much of it runs together in my mind now!
14. What's the most important thing about the holidays for you? Being with my family
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? either my Moms peanut butter fudge, or her homemade coffee cakes YUMMY!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Being together, Silent Night and candle lighting at church on Christmas Eve, going downstairs Christmas morning, oldest to youngest, opening presents one by one
17. What tops your tree? a white dove
18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving? Now seriously, who's going to say receiving?? I love to give, especially when I know I've found just the right thing, but honestly I love receiving just the right thing too!
19. What is your favorite Christmas song? Hark the Herald Angels or Joy to the World
20. Candy canes: at least one a year
21. Favorite Christmas movie? The Year Without A Santa Claus
22. What do you leave for Santa? cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Boat load of posts ahead, as I attempt to get all of my pics for the day uploaded. Who am I warning you ask? AS no one but me reads this blog, well, then I'm warning me, when I come back in a year to remind my feeble old brain of what we did in December 2006!
Fruits of our labor 12/13
So, we spent all night last night getting the outside decorations up. Hanging sparkly silver snowflakes, pine garland with white lights, new solar lights (which we aren't so sure about) to shine up on the sparkly snowflakes, wreaths on the doors, a new lighted, animated moose up in the woods as a surprise for E, and arrangements in the ur
ns. And this is the only photo I could take, you see it was pretty dark at 1 am, and I wasn't venturing too far off the front porch. Still gotta' make nine new bows for the garland/railing, and new bows for the wreaths, and I"m not so much looking forward to that because my bow maker is still MIA. Can't find it anywhere, and I totally suck at making bows freehand!
Tonight's task? Getting the nativity set out, putting up the garland on the steps inside, decorating the dining room, (which means moving all the crap that's taken up residence in there), and changing out the everyday dishes for the Christmas ones! Slowly but surely we're getting it all done. Hopefully by the time E and my parents get here all that will be left is some fun baking for everyone!

Tonight's task? Getting the nativity set out, putting up the garland on the steps inside, decorating the dining room, (which means moving all the crap that's taken up residence in there), and changing out the everyday dishes for the Christmas ones! Slowly but surely we're getting it all done. Hopefully by the time E and my parents get here all that will be left is some fun baking for everyone!

It's getting there! 12/12

Pic of the day 12/11

Happy Pic 12/10
Pic of the day 12/09
Still Standing 12/08
We took E ice skating Friday night, and had a blast. She loved it!!! Took her off guard a bit, she was doing just fine until we hit the ice, and then, look out, all sense of balance was gone, and she just kept moving her feet, but didn't get anywhere. We made it around a few times, and then, the ballet started on stage, and being totally enamoured with all things frilly, E wanted to be up close, she took off across that rink like nobody's business. Skated right across, not problems. I'll tell you what, when that girl puts her mind to something, you'd better just get out of her way!
E's Contributions (12/07)
Fun at the Store 12/06
E's idea of fun while she's stuck at the store during track out. Find something, climb on top of it, and then jump as high as you can, preferably with Mom taking pictures, with the old camera, which has such horrible shutter lag, that you have to do it over and over and over again, before she gets on picture of you actually in the air!
Warm days 12/05
Monday, December 11, 2006
Monstrous Image Post

Next is day 4, our Perfect Christmas. My idea of Perfection is just having my family around me, so that 's what this page is all about.

And last, and probably the simplest is day 5 Advent Calendars. This one is made up almost completely from the envelope from the advent calendar my Mom sent E this year. I just loved the illustration, and thought it was perfect for this page. Hopefully with a little bit of effort, and loss of sleep I'll be able to get this thing caught up. It's really important to me to finish this journal this year, not sure why I'm feeling the push so strongly, maybe because it's been a tough year, and I want to take the time to reflect on all the good things in my life, and I believe this album is the perfect way to do just that. Man this post looks like crap, and I"m sorry for that, I just want to get it up, and I promise when I do my marathon post for pics of the day, I'll make it look better!

Friday, December 08, 2006
Catching Up

Very quick post, just to get myself back on track! This is day 2 in my Journal Your Christmas book. Not the worlds most attractive page, but honestly, I was feeling a little pressured to get it done, I'm so far behind, and I really want to try to focus on my word with the book, and not so much on all the "goodie" of making a page. So I guess more than anything I intend to get the words on the page and the rest will have to follow later. Going to make for a very disjointed book, but as Ali says "It's OK".
I have been keeping up with taking my daily pictures, just haven't gotten them off the camera to be able to get them loaded up here. Will try for marathon posting tomorrow.
Last thing, I saw this on Emily Falconbridge's blog, and it just made me laugh, I had to give it a go! Try it, I promise you it will make you smile and you won't be able to stop yourself once you get started!

Monday, December 04, 2006
We shopped

till we dropped! We had such a blast today. Slept in, went for a yummy bagel, then headed out into the fray! Hit Tarjay, The Mall, had a huge late lunch at Cheesecake Factory, brought home leftovers, and tasty desserts, shopped some more. Off to Best Buy, Circuit City, AC Moore, then onto the nail place for E to get her manicure. Two colors, alternating fingers, so fun for her! Totally forgot that I had the camera with me, so no photos of our day, but I did take this one once we got home.
We came home took hot showers, put our jammies on and watched High School Musical (for the 500th) time, ate popcorn for dinner! Thus ends a wonderful Mommy & Daughter day!

The second is waiting in line at the mall, she had befriended a 2 year old little girl, and the two of them worked themselves into a very excited frenzy waiting in a rather short (fortunately), but slow moving (unfortunately) line!

The third is finally meeting the big guy! He was such a great Santa. Really listened to her, and asked questions, plus took the time to tell her to be good, and behave, to be respectful to her parents, and that is she did these things, that she might get some of the things on her list, but to remember that sometimes it's just as wonderful to get surprises! Loved That!! And of course, just as I took this picture the stupid battery died on my camera, so it's a really crappy picture, but here it is none the less.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Playing Catch up
That's me always running behind and trying to catch up. I am making an effort, and I did make some progress today. Finally started the Christmas shopping! And am planning to make a huge dent in it tomorrow, as E and I head out for a girls day. Gonna' start with bagels for breakfast, shop a little, enjoy a fun lunch together, shop a little more, take a break to get a manicure for E, and then dinner and a holiday movie at home! We'll see who collapses from exhaustion first, her or me?! My guess? ME!!!
Allrighty then, to keep myself accountable, on unrealistic expectation number 1, a picture a day, I did take one, but unfortunately the camera battery died and I can't post it, but will do so tomorrow. Gotta' tell you I'm pretty damn proud of myself, three days in a row may not seem like much, but for me it's HUGE!
Unrealistic expectation number two - Christmas Journal, well, I made progress, just not quite caught up yet. This is my page for Day 1, my dedication page.
I'm thinking the journaling is legible, but just in case it's not, here it is:

For you, for me, for all of us. I started this book last year & never finished it. Time just got in the way & I didn't take the space in all the craziness to breathe & create. So, I'm doing it now& I'm making it a priority. Both the time & the space. I'll keep last years pages & put them in the back of this book, as they show where I was & what I was thinking, but now I want to start fresh - for you, for me, for all of us.
Progress is good, even if it's just a little. Intending to get at least two pages done tomorrow, new batteries for the camera, and fun times with E. Really looking forward to Day 4!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Expectations - Unrealistic as they may be
So, I've done it again, placed some unrealistic (for me) expectations upon my self. I decided to take a picture a day for the month of December, I'm just not taking enough pictures, and I'm hoping that by committing to doing this it will help me see with a different eye, and remind me to utilize my camera more. Of course, a new digi camera for Christmas wouldn't hurt either! So, that's expectation #1, and as a result (insert big pat on the back here) here are my pics from Friday, December 1st, a mass of ornaments laying on the table
and today, Saturday, December 2nd, self portrait of me and E at one of her favorite restaurants "The Bonger".

It's a better picture of her than it is of me. I am looking slightly crazed and "wild eyed", but oh well. what's done is done.
So, expectation number two is another of Shimelle's classes. I signed up for the Journal Your Christmas class last year, got a few pages done, always intended to pick it back up, but that just didn't happen. So, I'm doing it again this year. With the full intention of staying caught up and completing it on time! (So don't tell anyone that I'm already two days behind!) Having a hard time getting started quite honestly because I want to completely start over, but still have the pages that I completed last year in my brain. And I want a different feel this year. So, I"m thinking a little retail therapy is in order! There are a bunch of FontWerks stamps that I've been coveting, and a few from Cat's Life Press, and I think those will bring me inspiration. If not, well there's always a trip to Archivers! Off to shop!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Sweet or Sour

Tricks or Treats? What's your preference? Well, E has a bit of both in her, and she certainly showcased it this Halloween. She's had a really rough couple of weeks at school, and was in danger of losing her trick or treating privileges, she had already done trunk or treat, so the child was not being deprived of her yearly "stuff you face with as much candy as you can" time. Seriously, I think there is enough candy in our house to feed a third world country, not that that's what you'd want to feed them, but oh, you know what I mean. Anyway, because her dad and I are weak, weak, weak, (not to mention that I made that damn costume!) she was allowed to head out, and I must say, she was so very good. Only rang the doorbell once, said thank you without being reminded, told everyone to have a Happy Halloween. Gotta' admit, I was a proud Mom!
Now, if we could only get her to sit still and quit talking in school!
Monday, October 30, 2006
It killed the cat, Curiosity that is!

Another page in Shimelle's You Think journal is DONE! Curiosity! Fun mood to ponder, not really following the workbook too much, wingin' it a bit, but hey, that's what makes it mine!Strangely enough, I really like this page. Printed the big ? and "Curious" on a transparency and then clear embossed both. Overlayed this on top of my typical painted and journaled page. Little ribbon tab and voila! it's done. Me likey! Again, will add a photo on it's own little page later.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
She did it!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Just flyin'

Oh yeah baby! I am so rockin' this project. I'm just flyin' at the speed of a fricking SNAIL! I so totally suck at this. This whole introspection thing is kicking my ass. Just finished my sad page and I am spent, completely wiped out. And I don't really think it's actually done, I still want to add some type of photographic visual, but don't quite know what. I like working in this size, and I like the open white space, so I think I'll use some type of photo individually on a separate page and insert it in front of the main page. Anyway, on to the next mood, not angry, not right now anyway, maybe I'll tackle curious, shouldn't be too painful right?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
So, it's done, finally finished a page in my You Think journal. Not so sure why I found "Happy" such a difficult mood to journal, but I did. Certainly opened my eyes to some things and made me dig a bit.
Still haven't made a cover, am thinking that will have to wait until all the pages are completed, timings just not right yet. Did decide on a size 8 1/2 x 10, don't know why, just felt right, thinking I'll probably toss in some smaller pages with it, and eventually bind with some kind of binder ring. Struggled to find a picture for the happy page, and ended up doing with out, mainly because I couldn't find a happy picture of just me, actually I couldn't find many picutres of just me. Will have to remedy that. Think I'll maybe add small pages of photos later, will have to figure out those logistics!
Yikes, what a crappy post, nothing of substance, and a whole lot of rambling. Think I'll stop here.

Yikes, what a crappy post, nothing of substance, and a whole lot of rambling. Think I'll stop here.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
A fun album, just about me, that was the purpose of taking Shimelle's You Think You Know Me online class. I love her classes and I always learn from the experience of taking one, but this class has turned into so much more than I anticipated.
It all started with the workbook which contains prompts to help you define yourself in terms of different moods, happy, sad, angry, brainy, creative etc. You'd think it would be easy right? I mean, who doesn't know what makes them happy. Umm, yeah, hello? Me!! I was astounded at how hard this was. So, it has turned into Do I know Me?
Do I? I used to, a long time ago - was sure of who I was & very secure in all of "that" - scratch that, not secure actually. Not sure secure is the word I want, but I thought I knew who I was. Maybe I've never known me. You'd think that it's something that ought to be second nature - they're just questions right? Shouldn't be too hard to figure out what makes me "fill in the blank with your emotion of choice".
It's been an eye opener. I haven't completed my workbook yet, but I have figured out some of the things in it, and I'm moving forward, and hunting for answers, and getting to know myself a little bit better along the way.
It all started with the workbook which contains prompts to help you define yourself in terms of different moods, happy, sad, angry, brainy, creative etc. You'd think it would be easy right? I mean, who doesn't know what makes them happy. Umm, yeah, hello? Me!! I was astounded at how hard this was. So, it has turned into Do I know Me?
Do I? I used to, a long time ago - was sure of who I was & very secure in all of "that" - scratch that, not secure actually. Not sure secure is the word I want, but I thought I knew who I was. Maybe I've never known me. You'd think that it's something that ought to be second nature - they're just questions right? Shouldn't be too hard to figure out what makes me "fill in the blank with your emotion of choice".
It's been an eye opener. I haven't completed my workbook yet, but I have figured out some of the things in it, and I'm moving forward, and hunting for answers, and getting to know myself a little bit better along the way.
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