That's me always running behind and trying to catch up. I am making an effort, and I did make some progress today. Finally started the Christmas shopping! And am planning to make a huge dent in it tomorrow, as E and I head out for a girls day. Gonna' start with bagels for breakfast, shop a little, enjoy a fun lunch together, shop a little more, take a break to get a manicure for E, and then dinner and a holiday movie at home! We'll see who collapses from exhaustion first, her or me?! My guess? ME!!!
Allrighty then, to keep myself accountable, on unrealistic expectation number 1, a picture a day, I did take one, but unfortunately the camera battery died and I can't post it, but will do so tomorrow. Gotta' tell you I'm pretty damn proud of myself, three days in a row may not seem like much, but for me it's HUGE!
Unrealistic expectation number two - Christmas Journal, well, I made progress, just not quite caught up yet. This is my page for Day 1, my dedication page.
I'm thinking the journaling is legible, but just in case it's not, here it is:

For you, for me, for all of us. I started this book last year & never finished it. Time just got in the way & I didn't take the space in all the craziness to breathe & create. So, I'm doing it now& I'm making it a priority. Both the time & the space. I'll keep last years pages & put them in the back of this book, as they show where I was & what I was thinking, but now I want to start fresh - for you, for me, for all of us.
Progress is good, even if it's just a little. Intending to get at least two pages done tomorrow, new batteries for the camera, and fun times with E. Really looking forward to Day 4!
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